Monday, December 23, 2024

Whirlwind trip there and back again

Something I have, unfortunately, needed to do is a trip back home in the middle of a long trip visiting family.

Weirdly the first one that I did turned out very well. After getting up at the crack of dawn I headed home. I hit up a local renaissance festival that I was passing . I had thought that I would just go home the next day so I stopped at it for 1-2 hours I think? Then I finished my trip home for my laptops power cord.

I was home for about five minuets more before I couldn't handle the boredom and I just... Drove back the same day. I pasted by a terrible rain storm on my way out and then I was back at my families house. 

All in all the sun was up the whole time for my round trip. Sun rise at the start and then sun down when I returned. I was going the speed limit. There was no rush but I know how long the drive Should have been and with the stop at the renaissance festival? Even with out it I should have been getting back int he midnight to 2am range.

Not the first time weird things have happened while driving. 

I'm still looking for the exist that doesn't exist for the city whose name I don't know that also doesn't exist. I can find the area were the On Ramp to get back on the interstate had been. It went from a one lane construction-narrow road back to a three lane. But there is no on ramp there. Every time I have passed by since I look and there is nothing.

Also the random cryptid in the tiny town with the stop light that google now no longer takes my rout past. Both were separate one way trips.

Have I gotten a sash cam? Yes. Does it have a memory card big enough for my whole trip? Nope! But maybe next time.

I'll point out that big rig truck drivers are legally not allowed to drive more then 8 hours a day since around 2008-ish. I was working at a moving company at the time and it was a Big Deal. You never realized how dangerous it was and they got into a LOT of trouble if the messed with their logs.

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